Official news
Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev put fresh wreathes on the monument to the victims of Khojaly genocide.
The letter includes a request on deliver of assistance on estimation of Khojaly tragedy as a fact of genocide, informing the world community of the essence of the problem and punishment of the guilty people. The Armenian armed forces with the help of moto-infantry regiment 366 of the former Soviet Army fired innocent and unarmed residents of Khojali [Lower Karabakh] on February 26, 1992 for several hours, including were 106 women, 83 children, 8 families, 59 men killed with special cruelty. 25 underage children lost their parents, 130 became partially orphans. Over 1000 men became disabled with 76 teenagers. The POWs numbered some 1275 men, the document reads.
The Parliament of Azerbaijan announced the 26 February of each year The Day of Khojali genocide. The people of Azerbaijan honour the memory of the Khojali victims each year at 17.00 on 26 February by a Minute of Silence.
The work on Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) pipeline construction are coming to an end, the Azerbaijan President Ilham Aliyev said in a statement during his interview with the Turkish NTV channel. Ilham Aliyev reminded, a big ceremony took place in May 2005 and the first oil was pumped into the pipeline. В"For today the oil has reached Turkey, where the final works are underway. I hope, we will celebrate opening of the pipeline in Ceyhan soon, he added.
The Health Minister of Azerbaijan Oktay Shiraliyev is leaving for Moscow on 24 February in connection with the roof collapse at Basman bazaar. the Azerbaijan president Ilham Aliyev instructed the government to deal with the matter seriously. The Azerbaijani side plans to arrange delivery of the people died in Moscow to Baku. The head of the state entrusted the government with providing the needed assistance to the relatives of the dead, who live in Azerbaijan.
On Thursday Ilham Aliyev, the Azerbaijani President, sent a letter of condolences to his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin in relation to the roof collapse of the Basmanni bazaar of Moscow, led to numerous human losses.
The head of the country expressed condolences to Putin, relatives and friends of the victims of the incidents, as well as whished urgent restoration to the injured people, Trend reports.
Our views on many issues characterizing the current development of relations between Russia and Azerbaijan, as well as the region and the global politics, coincide, President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev said in a statement today in Baku during the joint news conference with the Russias President Vladimir Putin, Trend reports.
According to him, during the two-day visit of the Russian delegation headed by the President Vladimir Putin a very wide range of issues of bilateral and regional cooperation have been discussed. В"We are confident, during the Year of Russia in Azerbaijan our peoples will get even closer, we will also cooperate actively on the political level, intensify trade relations and cooperate further in the humanitarian field. In other words, in all aspects of our cooperation we count on continuation and strengthening of those positive tendencies, which had formed during the latest 5-6 yearsВ", Aliyev said.
President of Azerbaijan said, the relations between Russia an Azerbaijan may be a model for relations between the neighbours. Our relations are actually good neighbourly, sincere, friendly an it enables to develop actively our countrys economies, to collaborate actively in all directions which also paves good prerequisites for large investment projects, economic relations between our countries, he said.
On 22 February the Azerbaijan and Russian presidents held one-to-one in Baku, which was continued with talks in large with the participation the delegations from the two countries. Aliyev stressed that the Azerbaijani-Russian relations get more and more consolidated. We attach great significance to the cooperation and consultations in the political sphere, as well as active interaction in the economic sector, he underlined.
Two documents have been signed as a result of the Azerbaijani-Russian negotiations held in Baku. Presidents of Azerbaijan and Russia, Ilham Aaliyev and Vladimir Putin have signed a joint statement, Trend reports. Besides, the first vice Premier of the Azerbaijan government Abbas Abbasov and the governor of the Sverdlovsk province Eduard Rossel have signed the agreement on trade-economic and scientific-technical cooperation.
Perspectives of bilateral cooperation between Azerbaijan and Switzerland have been discussed during the meeting of the Azerbaijan President Ilham Aliyev with the Federal Foreign Minister of Switzerland Mishlin Calmy-Ray, Trend reports.
The head of the state, having noted successful development of relations between the two countries appreciated opening of the Azerbaijan Embassy to Switzerland as a sign of significance Azerbaijan attaches to this country. President voiced also confidence in successful development of cooperation in future.
The head of the Swiss Foreign Ministry, in her turn, voiced also confidence in development of bilateral relations between Azerbaijan and Switzerland in all fields.
The issues of cooperation have been discussed today in Baku at the meeting of the Azerbaijan president Ilham Aliyev with the governor of the Ulyanovsk province of Russia Sergey Morozov, Trend reports.
President Aliyev said, the visit of the Russian President Vladimir Putin to Azerbaijan was very successful and the issues of mutual interest had been widely discussed. According to him, direct links of Azerbaijan with various Russian regions contribute essentially to the Azerbaijani-Russian cooperation development. President voiced hope that cooperation between Azerbaijan and Ulyanovsk oblast will be active.
Morozov said, 37,000 Azerbaijanis live currently in Ulyanovsk and he also expressed confidence in further expanding of ties with Azerbaijan.
On Thursday Ilham Aliyev, the Azerbaijani President, issued a decree regarding measures on improvement of management in melioration and water economy. Melioration and Water Economy JSC was established under the Agriculture Ministry on the base of State Melioration and Water Economy Agency to improve organization of effective use of water resources for melioration and irrigation of lands under the Presidents decree, Trend reports.
The Cabinet of Ministers was charged in development of the draft regulations of the company and its submission to the head of the country during a month, as well as preparation of the proposals on unification of legal acts with the decree.
The President appointed Ahmad Juma oglu Ahmadzade the chairman of the Melioration and Water Economy JSC at the other decree of 23 February.
On Thursday Ilham Aliyev, the Azerbaijani President, issued a decree on appointment of Arif Akif oglu Seyidov the head of the Khanlar executive power, Trend reports.
On Thursday Ilham Aliyev, the Azerbaijani President, issued a decree on salary increase of servicemen for military rank, except servicemen of the Defense Ministry, from 1 March, Trend reports.
In accordance with item 1 of the decree, the salary of the servicemen of this category was equated to the salary of the servicemen of the Defense Ministry.
The decree also envisages determination of the issues of financing at the expense of the funds of the public budget for 2006, set for appropriate executive bodies.
The Cabinet of Ministers is charged in approval of the salary for military ranks and solution of other issues related to the decree.
President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev signed a decree on application of the Law On social benefits, Trend reports.
Due to its coming into effect the Cabinet of Ministers is entrusted with preparing and submitting to president in two months period proposals on bringing the acting legislative acts to conformity with the Law On social benefits, as well as normative and legal acts of the Cabinet of Ministers and relevant central bodies of executive power.
Foreign policy
The positive character of the Russian-Azerbaijani interaction is a factor of geopolitical stability in the all region, Vladimir Putin, the Russian President, stated at an opening ceremony of the Russias Year in Azerbaijan on Tuesday.
According to Putin, the sides are to look for and carry out new perspective models of cooperation, more favorable use of both the bilateral opportunities and integration processes at the post-soviet area.
Touching upon the Russian national exhibition opened in Baku, Putin said that it would be not only show of modern Russian achievements, but also new impulse for equal right and mutually profitable cooperation of historically close countries and nations, who maintained good succession during centuries and transmitted traditions from generation to generation.
The Russian President voiced assurance that the program of the Russias Year in Azerbaijan would be no less popular and interesting than the Azerbaijans Year in Russia, which was held in 2005. The Azerbaijans Year in Russia showed how close the fates of our nations were, how strong was their will to live in peace and harmony with each other, co-assist to development, enrich each other. It is not surprising. Russians and Azerbaijanis showed ability of mutual understanding, acquisition of spiritual values of distinctive cultures, mutual respect and tolerance in national and interreligious relations, he said.
The bilateral relationships between Azerbaijan and Russia develop well and comprehensively, Novruz Mammadov, the head of the Department for Foreign Relationships of the Azerbaijani Presidents Apparat, stated in an exclusive interview for Trend.
Over the past few years there were achieved great successes. The Presidents meet traditionally once or twice a year to hold exchange of opinions on wider specter of issues which the countries are interested in. Obviously, the meetings and talks yield positive results, Mammadov stressed. The senior state officer voiced his confidence that the forthcoming visit of the Russian President to Azerbaijan to honor the opening of Year of Russia in Azerbaijan with the Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev will become one more support for the upgrade of relationships.
The meeting of the national coordinators of GUAM started in Baku on 23 February. Attending the event are national coordinators - deputy Foreign Ministers Valeriy Chechelashvili, of Georgia, Andrey Veselovsky, of Ukraine, Araz Azimov, of Azerbaijan, and Boris Kleyev, of Moldova,
The coordinators of the GUAM countries considered a draft action plan for 2006, fundamental documents developed for establishment of a new international organization on the base of GUAM, issues related to preparations for the summit of GUAM, which is planned to be held in the first half-year of 2006.
The national coordinators also discussed coordination of efforts of the GUAM countries to regulate the conflicts existing in the region, and support of joint initiatives within the cooperation with international organizations.
Member-countries of GUAM, a regional organization among Georgia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan and Moldova, continue work over transformation of the alliance into an international organization, Elmar Mammadyarov, the Azerbaijani Foreign Minister, told journalists.
The FMs received such instructions from their Presidents after the last summit of the organization which was held in Kishinev, he underlined. They are to adopt the Charter of the organization and sources of financing. At present the capacities of GUAM for expansion will be organized in a forthcoming summit of the organization in Kiev, the minister underlined.
In his Interview for Trend the Russian Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov, underlined that further consolidation and development of relationships with Azerbaijan remains to be a priority of Russias foreign policy activities.
According to the FM, Russia feels sincere satisfaction with the stable and dynamic development of relationships with Azerbaijan, which today attained the level of strategic partnership. Coming out of this standpoint, we build cooperation with the good neighbor in the Caucasus. Our countries actively upgrade political dialogue and it is done in the high level.
The absence of unresolved problems between our countries has been numerously sounded on the high level. As to concrete practical issues, which are inevitable in current scale of expansion of interaction, we seek together and find solution to them.
The official bodies of Armenia under the support of the Armenian lobby try to impose lie on the world about alleged destroying of Armenian cemetery at the territory of the Julfa region, the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic (AR), a news release spread by the Azerbaijani embassy in Georgia on Monday says
Azerbaijan officially states about non-existence of Armenian cemetery or other Armenian religious and unreligious monuments at the territory of the Julfa region, the Nakhchivan AR in this regard. Taking into consideration geographic closeness to Armenia, most of the Armenians, settled in the Nakhichivan AR, preferred to be buried at the cemeteries of neighbor country. Only insignificant part of Armenians and other people of Christian religion were buried at the common cemeteries in the Nakhchivan AR. As to the stone crosses at the territory of the Jugin cemetery in the Jugin region, they belong to Albanian state, where Christianity was the state religion and Albans - ancestor of Azerbaijanis. This cemetery belongs to the Azerbaijans cultural heritage and is preserved by the state, the message underlined.
Elmar Mammadyarov, the Azerbaijani Foreign Minister, participated in an international forum titled The United States Islamic World be held in Doha on 18-20 February. He was appointed at the major speaker to the forum and delivered a relevant paper.
A visit of the Swiss Foreign minister to Azerbaijan and the talks held in Baku greatly contribute the further development of bilateral relationships, the Azerbaijani prime-minister Artur Rasizade, stated to a meeting with the Swiss Foreign Minister, Michelin Kalmi-Ray, in Baku on Thursday.
In 2005 the goods turnover between the two countries comprised $28m. In March it is planed to hold the second meeting of the Azerbaijani-Swiss intergovernmental economic commission. Rasizade noted that the Swiss companies participate in the project on water supply to the capital city. He informed the participants in the meeting amount economic successes of the country, global energy projects and stated on Azerbaijans interests in the expansion of Swiss investors participation in the countrys economy.
Kalmi-Ray in his turn noted that Switzerland participates different projects in Azerbaijan covering different spheres. Technical-humanitarian assistance allocated for the Azerbaijani refugees remain to be a priority direction of bilateral cooperation.
Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict
On 23 February the cease-fire regime on the Azerbaijani-Armenian frontline has been violated, the Azerbaijan Defense Ministry press service told Trend.
The units of the Armenian armed forces fired dislocated opposite positions of the Azerbaijan National Army from 00.50 to 01.25 a.m. from the territory of the occupied village Djerabert, Terter region of Azerbaijan.
The firing was suppressed by the return fire. No losses reported.
President of Russia Vladimir Putin plans to invite the Armenian president to Moscow for consultations on the Nagorno-Karabakh settlement, the Russian President Vladimir Putin said in a statement today during the joint news conference in Baku, Trend reports.
"I am going to get into contact with the president of Armenia soon and invite him to Moscow for holding consultations on the problem, the Russias leader said.
Aliyev said, in his turn, the issues of settlement of the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict over Nagorny Karabakh and possible ways for its solution have been discussed with the Russian counterpart. В"We count on the future active role of Russia as our neighbour, as a great country and as the OSCE Minsk group co-chairing country in settling, just and fair resolving of the conflict based on principles and norms of international law, Aliyev underscored.
Рђzerbaijan finds the Russian President Vladimir Putins initiative useful and important, the Azerbaijan Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov told journalists, commenting on Putins initiative to invite the Armenian President Kocharyan to Moscow for consultations over the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict settlement.
We think, Russia as the OSCE Minsk group co-chairman may play more active role in the conflict settlement, the Minister stressed.
В"The Russian Federation has its own interests in South Caucasus, very close links with Armenia, develops good relations with Azerbaijan in all fields. It would be better if Russia participated in the Nagorny-Karabakh conflict settlement, which impedes developing of stability, security and economic prosperity of the region, as well as bilateral relations with the countries of the region, Mammadov said and added, it would be better for Russia to come out with initiatives, proposals, to voice its attitude to the problems between the sides of the conflict, by demonstrating its unbiased position.
The Russian Federation as one of the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs may play an important role in the conflict settlement based on the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan and the international legal norms, he said and voiced his regret that such things are not reflected in the statements made by the Russian officials.
The Russias Foreign Ministrys official spokesman Michail Kaminin stated recently Russia would be ready to support the option for the conflict settlement which suited the parties involved in the conflict and in case of reaching the compromise accord it will be a guarantor of the settlement.
В"The trip of an Azerbaijani journalist to Nagorny Karabakh is not so harmful and I think there must be more such visits. Nagorny Karabakh is part of Azerbaijan and we must accept the Armenian community living there as citizens of Azerbaijan, the Azerbaijan Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov said in a statement , while commenting on trips of the Azerbaijan media representatives to Nagorny Karabakh.
I do not see big problems in it, he noted. The Minister thinks, the more such tours, the more true information about Nagorny Karabakh will be. The Minister disagrees with the views, that such visits mean recognition of Nagorny Karabakh as republic. Journalists and representatives of non-governmental organizations do not represent officials, he said.
The exact day of the next consultations in Washington over the Nagorny Karabakh settlement of the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs is not identified yet, the Azerbaijan Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov told journalists today, Trend reports.
Commenting on the mediators meeting in the USA capital scheduled for 6 March the Minister noted the OSCE Minsk Group diplomats have not provided such information so far.
According to him, the co-chairmen from the USA, Russia and France are going to discuss the status quo of the negotiation process after the meeting of the Azerbaijani and Armenian Presidents in Ramboulliet near Paris, followed by the consultations on continuation of the negotiation process with the conflicting sides.
The European Parliament based in Brussels hosted on Friday a large-scientific and practical conference dedicated to 14th anniversary of Khojaly genocide at the initiative of the World Azerbaijani (CWA), the Baku office of the CWA told Trend.
The ceremony dedicated to this tragedy was held on 25 February at the Embassy of Azerbaijan to Poland. On 26 February on the initiative of the Azerbaijan Embassy to Hungary, the Hungary-Azerbaijan Friendship Society and the Azerbaijani students being educated in Hungary the Hodjali genocide commemoration ceremony will be organized. The conference was held on 25 February in Tashkent jointly with the Azerbaijan Embassy to Uzbekistan, the Heydar Aliyev Azerbaijan House, the Association of the national and cultural centre of the Azerbaijanis and the Azerbaijan Youth Organization. The all-Russia Congress of Azerbaijanis together with the Embassy of Azerbaijan to Russia will hold the Hodjali genocide commemoration ceremony in some regions.
From 24 to 25 February the Azerbaijani embassy in Georgia holds mourning events in Tbilisi and the Gardabannni region on the 14 anniversary of the tragedy, committed by Armenians in the Khojaly town, the Nagorno-Karabakh region, Azerbaijan.
The statement on plans of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) to send mission to Nakhchivan for clarifying the circumstances of the allegedly destroyed Armenian historical monuments is wrong, the head of the Azerbaijan parliamentary delegation to PACE Samed Seyidov told Trend exclusively.
According to him, the statement of the Armenian deputy Shavarsh Kocharyan is not true, the more so, he is not a member of the Armenian parliamentary delegation to PACE any more. Seyidov declined the report on the PACE decision to send a special mission for investigating the non-existing facts, about which the Armenian declares, to the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic of Azerbaijan in summer.
Political life
The New Azerbaijan Party (YAP) held today the event at the Rashid Behbutov theatre in regard to the 14-th anniversary of the Hodjali genocide. The YAP deputy chairman, a MP Ali Ahmadov reported on the brutalities of the Armenians, which committed the Hodjali massacre, Trend reports.
After demonstration of the 15-minute film showing the horrors of the tragedy, MP members Nizami Djafarov, Bahtiyar Veliyev and other spoke at the meeting. They voiced concern that the criminals who had committed the Hodjali carnage remained unpunished. The necessity for recognition of the tragedy by all world states has been noted.
Officials of some Embassies to Azerbaijan and international institutions took part in the event. The participants have been distributed the books about Hodjali, published on the initiative of the ruling party executive secreatry.
The NAP has sent a letter to the UN Secretary General, Kofi Annan, the OSCE chairman-in-office, Karel de Gucht, the Secretary General of the Council of Europe, Terry Davis, and the chairman of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), Rene van der Linden, the NAP announced.
The letter includes a request on deliver of assistance on estimation of Khojaly tragedy as a fact of genocide, informing the world community of the essence of the problem and punishment of the guilty people. The Armenian armed forces with the help of moto-infantry regiment 366 of the former Soviet Army fired innocent and unarmed residents of Khojali [Lower Karabakh] on February 26, 1992 for several hours, including were 106 women, 83 children, 8 families, 59 men killed with special cruelty. 25 underage children lost their parents, 130 became partially orphans. Over 1000 men became disabled with 76 teenagers. The POWs numbered some 1275 men, the document reads.
In its appeal NAP says that the international organizations and the world community to stop Armenia, which raised the nationalism and terror to the level of state policy and put an end to the Armenian aggression against Azerbaijan.
The chairman of the Party of Democratic Reforms (PDR), MP Asim Mollazade met today with the chief consultant on the rule of law of the US Agency for International Development (USAID) Natalia Dyurichkovitch, PDR told Trend.
The issues of the Azerbaijan legislation, legal reforms, application of the rule of law principle have been discussed during the meeting. Exchange of views on the parliamentary activities, procedures of passing and enforcement of relevant laws have been also held.
A tour of Roman Temnikov, an employee of the newspaper Obozrevatel, the chairman of the Association of Russian Youth, a member of the Central Control Revision of the Democratic Reforms Party (DRP), to Nagorno-Karabakh has found different interpretations in the Azerbaijani and Armenian media.
The DRP told Trend that having returned to Baku Temnikov came to the headquarters of the party and met with the chairman of the DRP, MP Asim Mollazade. He informed the party leader on the goals and details of the tour. The journalist said that the visit targeted journalist investigation under the international project implemented by the NGO.
In his turn Mollazade said that such an irresponsible and wrong step gave a chance to the Armenian media and occupant regime of Nagorno-Karabakh to use the visit for own purposes. At the same time Temnikovs visit also revealed some interesting milestones. He held meetings with civilians in the occupied territory of Azerbaijan. During the talks the Armenians stated on their warm feelings towards Azerbaijan and attributed themselves as captives of the military regime. The people here also stated that though they wish to live within Azerbaijan, the existing regime does not allow it to come to reality.
Temnikovs visit revealed the essence of the occupant regime of Azerbaijan. The Armenian authorities and occupant regime led by Gukasian, who bloodied their hands in the peoples of Azerbaijani and Armenia, changed the representatives of the Armenian community of Nagorno-Karabakh into captivates of their policy. The essence of Armenias criminal regime is occupation of the Azerbaijani territory is to bring Azerbaijanis and Armenians residing here to victims of their mythic idea Great Armenia. The facts collected during the visit terminate a well-known thesis by Robert Kocharian on genetic inconformity of Armenians and Azerbaijanis. The DRP is to acknowledge that the negative result of Temnikovs visit is that Armenians had a chance to use it for their own purposes.
The visit is positive from the aspect of collapse of the military regime in Armenia. Temnikiov informed the public of Kocharans escape from the Rambouillet meeting in absolutely another aspect. The Democratic Reforms Party states that such a step by Temnikov, which damaged the partys image, should be reprimanded. The party regards as impossible to restrict Temnikovs activities as a journalist. Another point is that as a staff writer he did not have a right to make a tour without notification of the management and agreement of editorial staff and by this way violated the labor discipline.
Members of the New Policy election block will take part in by-elections to the Parliament to be held on 13 May 2006 in another order, leader of the Movement of Intelligentsia, one of the above-mentioned election block co-founders Eldaniz Guliyev told Trend.
Guliyev connected it with the fact that they are pressed for time. В"We took a decision at the coordinating council to set up the blocs electoral headquarters, as little time is left before the by-elections and forming of the headquarters requires much time. Guliyev also said, support will be provided to candidates who will participate in the elections from the party.
The Azerbaijan Social Democratic Party (ASDP), entering New Policy election block, made a decision on leaving the block, Araz Alizade, the chairman of the party, told Trend.
He noted that the plenary session of the central board of the party was held on Wednesday. The session discussed participation in the by-elections, appointment of representative to the Central Election Committee (CEC), leaving the block and other issues. ASDP appointed 3 representatives with major suffrage and 1 with consultative suffrage to CEC.
New Policy block made a decision on participation of its members separately in the by-elections. Therefore, ASDP can not run for the by-elections as a member of the block. It decided to leave the ranks of the block due to participation of the central board of the party in the by-elections. The party will nominate the candidacy of Araz Alizade. He will choose either Sumgayit-Absheron constituency 44 or Nizamy 2nd constituency (Ganja) to ballot in the elections.
Alizade also stressed that they held negations on transmission of New Policy election block into political one. ASDP is also to be represented in this block.
The head of the OSCE Baku office Mauricio Pavesi suggested holding a workshop on 27-28 February on subjects Funding of political parties and The Election System.
Political parties welcome the initiative of the Organization for Cooperation and Security in Europe (OSCE) Baku office to participate in the workshop of political parties representatives, the chairman of the Advisory council of the pro-governmental parties Mammad Alizade told Trend.
Alizade said, the proposal by Pavesi has been discussed among chairmen of 16 parties comprising the Advisory council. В"We took a decision to participate in the hearings and voice our opinion while debating some of the issues.
It should be also noted the oppositional parties: the Popular Front Party of Azerbaijan (PFPA), reformists, the Democratic Party of Azerbaijan, Musavat, Vahdat and the parties comprising the alliance of the Pro-Azerbaijani forces have reported on their participation in the seminar initiated by the OSCE Baku office.
The Azerbaijani Popular Front of Azerbaijan Party (PFAP-classics) addressed to the Baku executive power on Friday, the party told Trend.
In the letter PFAP (c) requires granting of place to call a congress, scheduled for 26 March. The party proposed to the Baku executive power to hold a congress at the Heydar Aliyev Palace or the Shahriyar Culture Center. The organizers of the congress explained it with a large number of the members.
The party stressed that if the city authorities did not sanction holding of the congress in the indicated places, they would discuss new versions and make an appropriate decision.
Way of Azerbaijan will hold a presentation of the book dedicated to the memory of 63 children killed at the Khojaly genocide on 22 February, organize exhibition of the works by Azerbaijani artists on aforesaid topic at the World Gallery of Azerbaijan on 24 February, stage forum on restoration of Azerbaijans territorial integrity and its ways in 25 February.
In the framework of protest actions Karabakh Azerbaijani Diaspora will hold protest action at the front of the UN Office in Moscow on 24. Actions will also be organized in Feuerbach (Canada) on 24 February, Izmir (Turkey) and Oslo (Norway) - 25 February, Ukraine - 26 February.
State building
Pakistan supports right and fair position of Azerbaijan in the resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and is ready render every assistance for the settlement of the problem, Muhammad Khafiz, the Pakistani Ambassador to Azerbaijan stated to a meeting with Oktai Asadov, the speaker of the Azerbaijani parliament, on Friday.
On behalf of his government the diplomat congratulated Asadov with his election to the post of Speaker and wished him all successes in his activities.
In his turn the chairman of Milli Majlis [parliament] stated that mutual visits of the two presidents opened a new stage in the development of relationships between and Pakistan. He underlined the importance of expansion of the cooperation between the two countries within the framework of the international organizations and the organization of mutual visit.
Asadov also received the Egyptian Ambassador to Azerbaijan, Yusif Ahmad Ibrahim al-Sharkavi. They discussed bilateral relationships in different spheres and interparliamentary relations.
A new Ministry of Defense Industry is being established, the first vice Premier Abbas Abbasov. В"Рђzerbaijan is an independent state and if the Ministry is to be set up, there is need and interest in it. As you know, Azerbaijan and Armenia are in the state of war during a long period of time and such Ministry meets todays demands. I think, not only with the Russian Federation, but with all countries we can discuss these issues for developing the defense industry, its technological base, procurement. Russia is our neighbouring country and it is not excluded from the issue, Abbasov said.
Essential success has been achieved in 2005 in the activities of the Azerbaijan State Border Service (SBS), the SBS head Elchin Guliyev told the 23 February meeting, dedicated to the analyses of the SBS service and battle activities, Trend reports.
Guliyev said, the State Border Service which foundation was paved in 2002 by the national leader Heydar Aliyev has implemented a number of measures for enhancing the countrys frontiers protection and providing security. The fight against international terrorism, smuggling, illegal drugs trafficking and illegal migration has been strengthened as compared to previous years.
В"A number of notable events have been marked in 2005 in the SBS activities. Among them setting up the Coastal Guard under the State Border Service by the president of the country Ilham and signing of the State Program on technical development of the state borders defense system of Azerbaijan Republic in 2006-2010. Apart from this, the head of the state presented battle flags to border troops, got familiar with the situation in regard to the state border protection on the service territory of Shamkir border unit, Guliyev said.
Directions given by the countrys president on improvement the frontier guarding affected positively the SBS activities during the previous year.
В"2 781 violators of border have been detained in 2005, which breached the state border and the frontier regime. From the detained 297 are citizens of Azerbaijan, 199 of Georgia, 81- Iran, 63 Russia, 30 Turkey, 26 Uzbekistan , 25 Pakistan, 22- Kirgizistan, 16 - Moldova. The number of trespassers reduced 5,5% as compared to 2004. During this period the channels for entering the European countries by the citizens of the third countries with forged documents, which used Azerbaijan as transit country have been revealed. 153 citizens attempted to cross our country with forged documents and 42 citizens using the documents of other persons, Guliyev said.