Azerbaijan, Baku / Trend corr. S.Ilhamgizi /MP Ganira Pashayeva , the member of the Azerbaijani delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), stated on the 18th of June that the Azerbaijani delegation to PACE, would be present in Strasburg on the 23rd of June to attend the summer session of the PACE.
During the summer session of the PACE, the issues regarding Azerbaijan will be discussed.
During the first day of the session, the focus of the meeting will be aimed at the pending issues on; the Parliamentary Elections in Armenia, dialogue among cultures, religions, report of Dik Martin, the reporter of the PACE on secret prisons of the United States in Europe, where the death penalty was not liquidated, monitoring in countries and the anti-Semitism in Europe.
During the same day a statement will be given from the chairman of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, the Europe Bank of Development and Reconstruction, concerned with the East and North-East Europe.
The summer session of PACE will be held in Strasburg from the 25th to the 29th of June.
Twelve MPs represent Azerbaijan in the PACE.
The Azerbaijani Parliamentary Delegation to PACE, headed by Samad Seyyidov , includes the MPs - Ganira Pashayeva , Gultakin Hajiyeva, Ali Huseinov , Rafael Huseinov , Sabir Hajiyev , Aynur Guliyeva , Aydin Mirzazadeh , Fazail Ibrahimli , Aydin Abbasov, Iltizam Akbarli and Akram Abdullayev.