
Student admissions process changed

Society Materials 10 February 2009 12:30 (UTC +04:00)
Student admissions process changed

Azerbaijan, Baku, Feb. 10 / Trend , J.Babayeva /

The admission process at Azerbaijani universities changed for 2009-2010.

"Grades in primary subjects will be reviewed when it is impossible to enroll two or more applicants with the same nationwide exam scores," State Commission on Student Admission Chairman Maleika Abbaszade said at a briefing.

The exam assesses educational and technological-design knowledge on a pass/fail basis.

Admission will be granted to bachelor's degree programs in 149 majors in 2009-2010.

The admission process will be made public before the exam.

The cabinet approved the list of majors in January 2008, which were published in "Abiturient" magazine.

Abbaszade said Russian language will be included in a list of foreign languages as of 2010.

Applications to universities and secondary educational institutions will be submitted via the Internet.

Students are allowed to apply for 8 majors.

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