Azerbaijan, Baku, Sept. 7 / Trend , K.Zarbaliyeva/
In some cases, Azerbaijani courts are not fulfilling the resolutions of the Constitutional Court (CC), CC Chairman, Farhad Abdullayev, told Trend on Sept. 7.
"Unfortunately, the CC's legal position is not taken into account when cases are considered. Such cases are few in number, but they do exist. And this, in itself, is a failure of the CC decisions," said Abdullayev.
The CC Chairman did not say which issues these cases were linked with, but, he said that for this reason, the case is then re-considered at a CC plenary session or the case's reconsideration process is delayed.
"To pass through juridical examples is not such a simple case. The process on one case lasts from a year to a year and a half, creating moral problems for citizens. And this is a serious problem," said the CC chairman.
He said these problems will be solved, following society development and the formation of legal culture.
Abdullaev said that in one year, the Constitutional Court receives on average 2,000 complaints, and there are no significant changes on this figure compared to previous years.
The decisions of the Constitutional Court are obligatory and legal positions on them are obligatory for all establishments.
When passing decisions, courts should be referring to the decisions of the CC as a legal source.
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