
Tamiz Shahar JSC carries out regular environmental monitoring in Baku

Society Materials 6 November 2013 19:59 (UTC +04:00)

Baku, Azerbaijan Nov. 6.

Trend: Monitoring of the environmental impact of work undertaken by the Tamiz Shahar JSC in July-September 2013 at Balakhani ground, has been completed, Tamiz Shahar said on Wednesday.

A positive trend can be seen in the improvement of the environmental situation on Balakhani grounds.

Air, water, and upper layer of the soil, showed outstanding improvement in the environmental situation of the Balakhani ground in the third quarter of 2013.

Air monitoring showed that the amount of dust has reduced, the amount of gases (carbon monoxide, sulfur, etc.) did not increase compared with the first and second quarters of 2013 and stand at an acceptable level.

The amount of such elements as mercury, chromium, tin in water also decreased and their amount do not exceed the permissible level.

Aside from that, a decrease in the number of heavy metals is also being observed. Thus, the analysis of samples taken from the Balakhani ground showed that the amount of heavy metals is at an acceptable level.

