BAKU, Azerbaijan, May 20
By Elchin Mehdiyev - Trend:
In accordance with the rules stipulated by Azerbaijan’s law on environmental impact assessment, when assessing the environmental impact of enterprises for the disposal and processing of safe and hazardous waste, as well as designing structures and landfills for this purpose, an appropriate document coming under mandatory state examination, must be drawn up, Trend reports.
The issue in this regard is reflected in the amendments to the law on industrial and household waste, which were discussed at meeting of Azerbaijan’s Parliament held on May 19.
According to the proposed amendment, in the 7th article of this law, 3 and 6 parts are added.
The added parts state:
- if the facilities provided in 3 part of this article (residential buildings, as well as enterprises, structures, and other structures during the operation of which waste is generated) comply with environmental requirements on environmental impact indicators, an environmental impact assessment document during the reconstruction of these facilities or the replacement of their structures and equipment is not required. However, the documents (limits of permissible waste and wastewater, environmental passport) issued on these objects by the appropriate executive body (structure), in view of the environmental protection requirements of regulatory legal acts and technical normative legal acts of the environment, should be amended accordingly .
- if the conditions of use of the above facilities do not meet the environmental requirements for environmental impact indicators, or in the case of application of technologies and technological methods other than those provided in the initial draft, it is necessary to re-evaluate the environmental impact on them.
- during the assessment, in identifying the transboundary environmental impact provided in the third part of this article of the facilities, issues of their assessment in relation to these facilities are decided in accordance with international treaties, on which Azerbaijan is one of the sides.
After discussions, the amendments were put to the vote and adopted in the third reading.