
Azerbaijan hopes for active participation of foreign partners in restoration of Shusha - official

Society Materials 28 June 2024 10:21 (UTC +04:00)
Azerbaijan hopes for active participation of foreign partners in restoration of Shusha - official
Kamran Gasimov
Kamran Gasimov
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SHUSHA, Azerbaijan, June 28. Azerbaijan hopes for the active participation of foreign partners in the restoration of the city of Shusha, Special Representative of the President of Azerbaijan in the Shusha District, Aydin Karimov, said during the event "New Opportunities for Entrepreneurs: Let's Revive Karabakh Together" in Shusha today, Trend reports.

He emphasized that extensive work is being carried out in Shusha to revive the city's infrastructure and create favorable conditions for entrepreneurial activity.

"The restoration work in the city of Shusha is in full swing. We are making every effort to ensure comfortable conditions for our citizens and to develop entrepreneurship in this historically significant city," Karimov pointed out.

He mentioned that the restoration work includes not only the reconstruction of buildings and streets but also the creation of new jobs, attracting investors, and developing tourism infrastructure.

According to him, the government is actively working to make Shusha an attractive place for business and tourism.

Karimov also stressed the importance of international cooperation in the process of restoring the city.

"We are open to cooperation with foreign partners and hope for their active participation in the restoration and development of Shusha city," he added.

Meanwhile, an event titled "New Opportunities for Entrepreneurs: Let’s Revive Karabakh Together," organized by the Ministry of Economy of Azerbaijan, is being held in Shusha.

The event focuses on providing businesspeople with investment opportunities and commercial prospects in the Karabakh and Eastern Zangezur economic zones, as well as a discussion of the public-private partnership model.

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