Azerbaijan, Baku, May 17 / Trend , U.Ismayilova/
In Azerbaijan, as for April1, number of pensioners was 1,283 million, representing 15 percent of the total population, the State Committee on Statistics said.
Of the total, 65 percent had retired by age, 24 percent - on disability, 11 percent - for the loss of head of family.
The average amount of monthly pension in Azerbaijan increased by 29 percent - up to 98.79 manats, representing 34 percent of the average monthly wage in the country compared to the same period in 2008.
In January-March, the Azerbaijani State Fund of Social Protection allocated 400.6 million manat to finance pensions, the growth for the year amounted to 110.4 million manat, or 38 percent. Of the total amount of these funds 389.9 million manats have been paid as retirement benefits, 10.7 million manats - social security benefits. In addition, 3.9 million manats were paid in connection with the birth of children, 3.4 million manats - disability, 1.9 million manats - in connection with the funeral, 1.5 million manats - for other benefits.
The state fund reported that 286,900 people received social security benefits totaling 9.86 million manats in the first quarter. At the same time, 18,200 people received benefits on pension age, 90,400 people - disability, 31,200 people - the loss of head of family, number of children under 18 years of receiving benefits due to lack of work - 56,500.
During this period, the country's 173,300 families, or 791,300 people, were targeted social assistance. Of these, 401,100 people - women, 381,700 - children. Average monthly amount of targeted social assistance to people in the country during this period amounted to 21.75 manats.
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