
Zone of protection of state historical-architectural reserve "Icheri Sheher" established in Azerbaijan

Business Materials 27 May 2009 18:50 (UTC +04:00)

Azerbaijan, Baku, May 27 / Trend , U.Ismaylova /

The Cabinet of Ministers of Azerbaijan issued an order on establishment of a zone of protection of state historical-architectural reserve "Icheri Sheher" ("Old City").

The decision to establish such a zone was made on the basis of Department of State Historical-Architectural Reserve "Icheri Sheher".

Zone of reserve was established under the plan, proposed by the Reserve Department, Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Executive Power of Baku, State Committee on Town Building and Architecture and Department of Seaside Park under the Cabinet of Ministers.

State Historical-Architectural Reserve "Icheri Sheher" is in charge of developing a special legal regime for the reserve zone and presenting to the Cabinet of Ministers within three months.

The decision came into force from the date of signing - May 25

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