
More profitable banks in Azerbaijan

Business Materials 10 September 2009 19:00 (UTC +04:00)

Azerbaijan, Baku, Sept. 10 / Trend , N.Ismayilova /

The number of profitable banks in Azerbaijan was 39 in July 2009. The number is four less than in July 2009 and the same with the previous month, the Azerbaijani Central Bank said.

Revenues in the sector increased 34.4 percent compared to Aug. 1 to 162.1 million manat. Total income of banks increased 10.9 percent.

The number of unprofitable banks was the same compared to June and increased one compared to early 2009. Seven banks lost 8.91 million manat, which is 40.4 percent more than the figure for Aug. 1, 2008.

Financial Results of Bank Activities (After Tax Payments) with Million Manat:

Подпись: Periods	Number of Profitable Banks
General Revenue of Banking System (Profitable Banks)
General Revenue of Banking System (Unprofitable Banks)
General Loss of Banking System (Unprofitable Banks)
Total Revenue (+) or Loss (-) of Banks
01-08-2007	35	83.23	8	6.12	77.11
01-08-2008	35	135.54	9	14.96	120.58
01-08-2009	39	171.01	7	8.91	162.1

On Sept. 10, the official exchange rate is 0.8034 manat to $1.

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