Uzbekistan, Tashkent, May 19 / Trend D. Azizov /
Uzbekistan Railways company got net profit worth 3.56.323 billion soums as of 2010, or 1.4 times more than in 2009, the financial report of the company said.
According to the report, net profit totaled 1.631 trillion soums in 2010 compared to 1.403 trillion sums a year earlier (increased by 16.3 percent), gross profit reached 5.68.327 billion soums compared to 4.46.825 billion soums (increased by 27.2 percent).
Uzbekistan Railways increased expenses by 14.8 percent - up to 2.52.247 billion soums last year.
The assets increased by 27 percent and hit 3.308 trillion soums as of 2010. The long-term assets increased by 26.3 percent - up to 2.523 trillion sum, the current assets - by 23 percent up to 7.85.149 billion soums.
The company increased own funds by 22.6 percent - up to 2.119 trillion soums in 2010, of which 1.89.779 billion soums - share capital, 6.7.319 billion sums - capital reserve, 1.032 trillion soums - retained income from previous years.
The obligations of the company increased by 35.8 percent - up to 1.189 trillion soums, including long-term bank loans - by 1,4 times up to 830.54 billion soums, accounts payable - by 29.4 percent up to 3.53.553 billion sums.