Azerbaijan, Baku, Jan.17 / Trend A.Taghiyeva /
External debt of Turkey's private sector increased by $7.3 billion (6.2 per cent) to hit $124.3 billion in November, 2011 compared to November, 2010, the Central Bank of Turkey said on Tuesday.
External debt of Turkey's private sector decreased by $2 billion in November 2011 compared to October, 2011.
External borrowings of banks in the form of attracting loans and placement of bonds increased by 3 and 2.4 per cent respectively.
Debt of private sector to foreign commercial banks increased by $2 billion to hit $41.1 billion as of November, 2011.
Some 59.6 per cent of total external debt of Turkey's private sector are drew in US dollar, 35.7 per cent - in euro and 4.7 per cent - in other foreign currency.
Some 57 per cent of external debts were sent to services, 42.2 per cent - to production sphere and 0.8 per cent - to agricultural sector.