Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Nov. 16 / Trend D.Azizov /
Uzbekenergo State Joint Stock Company (JSC) and Korean EG Lightings Co. Ltd are planning to establish a joint venture for production of modern energy-saving light emitting diode (LED) lighting products in 2013, a representative of the Uzbek company told Trend on Friday.
According to the agency's interlocutor, the JV Egl-Nur will be created in Angren special industrial zone with authorized capital of one million dollars, with the share of Korean side at 51 percent, and the share of Uzbek side, represented by Novo-Angren TPP on the behalf of Uzbekenergo - 49 percent.
At the initial stage, in the first half of 2013, the company will master assembly production of street lighting lamps with capacity up to two thousand pieces per month based on imported parts from South Korea.
By the end of next year, new LED lighting products will be developed based on local raw materials for industrial use.
In particular, the company plans to master the production of LED lighting products for vehicles, residential and office buildings, as well as for advertising purposes.
As previously reported, by 2015 Uzbekistan plans to increase its production of energy-saving lamps to 29 million annually.
The first project on the production of import-saving compact fluorescent lamps in Uzbekistan was implemented in September 2010, when a new Uzbek-British JV Neo sun light opened in the system of the Uzeltechsanoat association for the production four types of energy-saving spiral lamps - 11, 15, 20 and 25 w.
In September 2011, a project was launched to organize the production of energy-saving lamps in the Uzkor Lighting JV LLC in Navoi free economic industrial zone (FIEZ), as well as to implement the second phase of the project to expand production at the Neo Sun Light JV LLC up to seven million lamps of eight types. The total volume of investment amounted to $3.4 million.
In addition, the Uzbek-Korean JV KorUz Lighting, established in Navoi FIEZ in 2010, started the production of energy-saving lamps. Its annual design capacity is one million pieces of bulbs, the cost of the project is $ 4.7 million.
According to experts' estimates, the introduction of energy-saving lamps will provide savings of up to 2.53 billion kWh of electricity per year.
According to the Uzeltekhsanoat association, the needs of Uzbekistan in energy-saving lamps amount to 50 million pieces.