Azerbaijan, Baku, Feb.26/ Trend F.Milad
The US dollar was sold at the price of 24,520 rials at Iran's Forex Centre on Tuesday.
The euro was also presented at the price of 32,078 rials, while the British pound was traded at 37,230 rials, the IRNA News Agency reported.
The euro, British pound and US dollar were sold at the prices of 32,329, 37,075, and 24,513 rials, respectively on Monday.
The new foreign exchange centre was officially inaugurated on September 24. Some 17,356 applications have been registered so far.
The new centre allows importers of goods including truck tyres, construction equipment and synthetic fibres to buy dollars at a rate two per cent cheaper than the street rate at any given time.
The government maintains an official reference rate of 12,260 rials to the dollar, but only a limited amount of foreign exchange is available at this rate.