Georgia, Tbilisi, August 24 /Trend N.Kirtzkhalia/
The volume of credit investments by Georgian commercial banks in July, 2013 decreased by 0.4 per cent, or by 36 million lari ($1=1.66 lari) and amounted to 9.1 billion lari compared to June.
The volume of loans allocated in national currency increased by 64.5 million lari (by 2.1 per cent) and those in foreign currency - decreased by 100.5 million lari (1.6 per cent) during the indicated period, Georgian National Bank told Trend on Friday.
Around 836.1 million lari worth of loan (by 0.9 per cent or 7.2 million lari more compared to June) in national currency and about 3.9 billion lari (by 2.6 per cent or 105.6 million lari less) in foreign currency was given to legal entities-residents by commercial banks.
The largest part - about 46.9 per cent of the total volume of crediting for legal entities fell to trade sphere. Around 2.2 billion lari worth of loan was given to this sphere in July, which is by 1.6 per cent or by 36.6 million lari less compared to June.
About 19.6 per cent of the total volume of crediting fell to industry and amounted to 925.4 million lari.