
Amrahbank holds corporate event on outcome of 2013

Business Materials 15 April 2014 16:29 (UTC +04:00)

Baku, Azerbaijan, April 15


On April 6, 2014, Amrahbank held traditional corporate event on outcomes of 2013 at Baku Entertainment Center with the participation of bank's collective.

Well-known TV presenter Ilkin Hasanli gave opening remarks to Emil Hasanov, acting Chairman of bank's Board of Directors.

"While meeting economic model of the country and its development rates, the bank strengthened in the banking sector of Azerbaijan, achieved institutional development and success," he said. "Amrahbank was selected winner of "HR Team of the year" by the foreign experts group within the contest "HR Team of the year". Amrahbank conducted quick policy in accordance with the demands of clients and introduced new products to the market meeting their demand. Hasanov especially underlined that Amrahbank's successes are mainly based on the human resources, which are main capital of the bank. Professional team, collected for implementation of bank's strategic objectives, takes the bank ahead and to new successes. At the end of his speech, Hasanov thanked to each worker, strategic partner and clients taking joint step with the bank for its development."

Some 18 employees of the bank were rewarded on 18 nominations, as well as on the best worker of the year, best branch director, best branch of the year and etc. parameters, according to results of internal inquiry. Distinguished persons were given different gifts, as well as mobile phones, gift coupons and etc.

At the end, an entertainment and intellectual competition was held and a winner won a trip to Istanbul, Turkey.

Currently, the bank's total capital makes 52 mln. manat.

Established in 1993 Amrahbank is one of the oldest and leading commercial banks of Azerbaijan. It offers wide range of retail and corporate banking products and services such as opening of current and deposit accounts, plastic cards, clearing operations, consumer and business loans, local and international money transfers, documentary operations, trade finance, etc.

International Investment Bank based in Bahrain , is the strategic shareholder Amrahbank since 2008.

Currently there are 20 branches and 2 sub-branches of the bank operating. The Bank's branch network covers the capital and regions of our republic such as Sumgait, Lankaran, Tovuz, Bilasuvar, Barda, Ganja and Masalli.

The official exchange rate is 0.7843 AZN/USD on April 15.

