
Azerbaijani Amrahbank congratulates winners of Generous credit campaign

Business Materials 1 August 2014 13:40 (UTC +04:00)

Baku, Azerbaijan, August 1


As reported, "Generous credit" campaign under the slogan "May both your hands and pockets be full of money" was held at Amrahbank on June 5 - July 18, 2014. According to terms of the campaign, every customer receiving both consumption and micro business loan during this period got lottery coupons.

After the campaign, names of 450 winners of AZN 28,000-lottery fund have been determined through withdrawal of coupons from a lottery drum with the participation of especially-selected drawing commission. 10 of them won Samsung TVs, 15 - Samsung tablets, 15 - Sony-Xperia mobile phones, 10 - Canon cameras, 400 - car sunshades and USBs.

We congratulate all winners again!

The official exchange rate is 0,7843 AZN/USD on August 1.

