Baku, Azerbaijan, Dec. 7
The total trading volume in the USD / AZN (spot) currency section in November 2014 was 38.589 million AZN or $49.195 million.
According to the Baku Interbank Currency Exchange (BBVB), seven participating banks held 23 transactions at 38 trading sessions in Bourse E-System of Trades (BEST) in November 2014.
The trading volume in the currency section decreased by 6 percent or by 2.409 million AZN in November compared to October.
The average daily turnover in e-trading USD / AZN system was approximately $2.589 million in November, while the average amount of each transaction - $2.139 million.
The national currency exchange rate in USD / AZN_TOD in the reporting month remained unchanged - 0.7829 AZN for $1. The average rate of dollar versus AZN was 0.7844 AZN in November 2014.
The average monthly interest rate calculated on the basis of banks-market makers' bids for BakiBOR loans for up to 90 days, amounted to 9.81 percent per annum in AZN and 9.92 percent per annum in dollars in November 2014. BakiBID rate up to 90 days was 4.34 percent per annum in AZN and 4.27 percent in dollars.