Ashgabat, Turkmenistan, June 16
By Huseyn Hasanov- Trend:
The search for oil fields is currently one of the priority directions of geological exploration work of "Turkmengeology" - the government's organization in the field of geological exploration, said the message of Turkmenistan's ministry of oil and gas.
Considering that Turkmenistan has proved natural gas reserves for many years to come, the main volumes of geological exploration work at the current stage are oriented to search of oil fields, especially in Miocene deposits in the south-western part of Turkmenistan, as well as Jurassic and Cretaceous sediments in the central part of the country, said the message.
As noted by the Turkmen geologists, almost all the land area of Turkmenistan is regarded as prospective for oil and gas.
"Turkmengeology" gradually introduces new technologies in the field of drilling deep wells.
So, the practical implementation of new technologies in conjunction with the use of modern top drive equipment has reduced construction time of wells and made it possible to significantly reduce their cost.
In order to perform these tasks, "Turkmengeology" is working on the conclusion of contracts for the supply of the necessary equipment and training of local specialists, according to the message of the ministry.
In addition, "Turkmengeology" expects tangible results from cooperation with foreign companies.
In particular, Chuanqing Drilling Engineering Company Limited (CCDC) of China completes the drilling of an exploration well with the design depth of 5,500 meters in the east of Turkmenistan.
In accordance with another contract, the company "Yug-Neftegaz" (Singapore) continues to perform seismic works using 2D and 3D methods in the area of Northern Goturdepe, Goturdepe and Barsagelmes fields in the west of Turkmenistan.
"This work will be performed both on land and partly on the shallow part of the Turkmen sector of the Caspian Sea," the message said.