Baku, Azerbaijan, July 21
By Azad Hasanli – Trend:
Trade turnover between Azerbaijan and Georgia amounted to $365.5 million in 1H17, increasing by 38.2 percent as compared to the same period of 2016, says a report of Georgia’s National Statistics Office.
According to the report, Azerbaijan ranks fourth for this indicator with a specific weight of 7.6 percent. Meanwhile, Turkey ($731.67 million or specific weight of 15.2 percent) ranks first among Georgia’s foreign trade partners and is followed by Russia ($518.27 million or 10.7 percent) and China ($412.2 million or 8.5 percent).
Azerbaijan ranks fifth among importers of goods from Georgia. The goods delivery from Georgia to Azerbaijan increased by more than two times – up to $81.5 million in 1H17. Azerbaijan’s share in the Georgian export operations went up from 4.3 to 6.6 percent.
Azerbaijan ranks fourth among suppliers of goods to Georgia – almost $284 million (with a share of 7.9 percent as compared to 6.5 percent a year before). During the year, the export of Azerbaijani goods to Georgia increased by 32 percent.