Baku, Azerbaijan, Apr. 19
By Fakhri Vakillov – Trend:
The total amount of products (services) of agriculture, forestry and fisheries in Uzbekistan in January-March 2019 amounted to 20.31 trillion soums ($ 2,398,103,250), which is 2.5 percent higher compared to the same period in 2018, Trend reports with reference on the State Statistics Committee of Uzbekistan.
Regarding crop and livestock production, hunting and the provision of services in these areas, the total volume of products amounted to 18.81 trillion soums (+2.5 percent), forestry - 1.3 trillion soums (+1.8 percent), fisheries - 189, 8 billion soums (+3.6 percent).
State Statistics Committee notes that 92.7 percent of the total products (services) of agriculture, forestry and fishery accounted for crop and livestock, hunting and services in these areas, 6.4 percent accounted for forestry and 0.9 percent- fisheries.
In January-March 2019, in terms of regions, significant volumes of products (services) of agriculture, forestry and fisheries were observed in Samarkand (2.79 trillion soums) and Tashkent (2.68 trillion soums) regions, while Karakalpakstan (689 million soums), Syrdarya (723 billion soums) and Navoi (1.06 trillion soums) regions demonstrated low volumes.
The highest growth rates were observed in the Fergana (+5.3 percent) Khorezm (+4.0 percent) and Andijan (+3.8 percent) regions.
In contrast, the growth rates in Syrdarya (+0.4 percent), Samarkand (+1.2 percent), Kashkadarya (+1.3 percent), Jizzakh (+1.3 percent), Tashkent (+2.0 percent) and Namangan (+2.1 percent) regions were slow.
The share of the Samarkand region in the total volume of products (services) of agriculture, forestry and fisheries of the republic amounted to 13.7 percent, and it is the leader among the regions. Tashkent and Kashkadarya regions occupy the next places with indicators of 13.2 percent and 8.5 percent, respectively.
The lowest share was in Karakalpakstan (3.4 percent), Syrdarya (3.6 percent) and Navoi (5.2 percent) oblasts.
Growth in agricultural production in January - March 2019 amounted to 18.74 trillion soums, which is 3.1 percent more compared to the same period in 2018. Crop production reached 1.39 trillion soums (+0.6 percent), livestock products - 17.35 trillion soums (+3.4 percent).
In January - March 2019, all categories of farms produced 1.726,100 tons of milk (more by 2.5 percent compared to January - March 2018).
In January-March of 2019, 1.304,9 million eggs were produced by all categories of farms (by 5.5 percent more compared to January-March 2018).
In January-March 2019, all categories of farms caught fish 12 860 tons (more by 1.5 percent compared to January-March 2018).
As of April 1, 2019, the total number of cattle reached 12.579,000 heads, including 4.446,600 heads of cows, 21.188,400 heads of sheep and goats, and 78.218,300 of birds heads
Compared with the corresponding period of 2018, in all categories of farms the livestock of cattle increased by 335,100 heads (by 2.7 percent), including cows - by 144,300 heads (by 3.4 percent), sheep and goats - by 754,300 heads (by 3.7 percent), birds - by 7.071,600 heads (by 9.9 percent).
($1-8469.19 soums on Apr. 19)
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