BAKU, Azerbaijan, Mar. 14
By Ilkin Seyfaddini – Trend:
Uzbekistan has joined the Interstate Council on Industrial Safety (ICIS) of the Commonwealth of Independent States, Trend reports citing the National News Agency of Uzbekistan.
Resolution of the president of Uzbekistan on joining international treaties, which provides for joining the agreement on cooperation in the field of industrial safety at hazardous industrial facilities, was adopted on 26 September 2018.
At present, in accordance with the legislation, a specially authorized state body in the field of industrial safety is the State Sanoatgeokontehnazorat Inspectorate.
The Interstate Industrial Safety Council (ICIS) for cooperation in the field of industrial safety at hazardous production facilities among CIS countries was established on September 28, 2001. The Council is a body for sectorial cooperation in the CIS.
Member states of ICIS are Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan.
Uzbekistan's entry into ICIS will allow for effective cooperation on issues related to industrial safety, harmonization of industrial safety requirements, improvement of national regulatory and technical documentation in the field of industrial safety and information exchange.
Furthermore, Uzbekistan's participation in ICIS will not only strengthen national industrial safety, but also cooperation with specialists from CIS countries.
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