
Business activity of Uzbekistan increases - CERR report

Business Materials 9 June 2020 12:29 (UTC +04:00)

BAKU, Azerbaijan, June 9

By Ilkin Seyfaddini - Trend:

In May, business activity in Uzbekistan increased by 5.6 percent compared to April 2020, Trend reports citing the Center for Economic Research and Reform of Uzbekistan (CERR).

However, compared to May 2019, business activity is lower by seven percent.

The Business Activity Index (BAR) stood at 1.056 points compared to April 2020 (5.6 percent increase); 930 points compared to May 2019 (seven percent decrease).

Business activity in the country has started to recover, but the Business Activity Index is still at the levels corresponding to a deep recession compared to the same month last year and to the base period.

The Business Activity Index for all regions increased in May compared to the previous month. Bukhara (43.8 percent), Surkhandarya (40.1 percent), Samarkand (35.3 percent), Jizzakh (32 percent), Andijan (29.2 percent), Kashkadarya (24.2 percent), Navoi (24.1 percent) and Tashkent regions saw significant growth.

At the end of May, the Republican Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange concluded 24,082 transactions, which is by 26,945 transactions less than in April 2020.

Total turnover of commodity exchange in May 2020 made up 3.3 trillion soum ($323.6 million), which is 11.4 percent more than in April 2020.

The number of operating economic entities increased by 7,467 units in May 2020 as compared to April 2020 and made up 464,300 units.

The number of large enterprises decreased by 87 units. The number of small enterprises increased by 6,882 units during the reporting period. The number of farms increased by 672. The number of operating large enterprises was 3,062 units, 87 units less than in April 2020.

In May 2020, the index of protected trademarks amounted to 2,333, which represents a 2.3-fold increase compared to the previous month. There are 42 trademarks and trade names registered as legal entities.


Follow author on Twitter: @seyfaddini

