TEHRAN, Iran, Dec. 1
Iran seeks to invest in the Syrian industrial towns of Hisyah, Adra, and the Sheikh Najjar, said Head of the Economic Chamber of Iran in Aleppo Mehdi Abbasi, Trend reports citing ILNA.
The issues of previous agreements, transportation, barter system, financial issues, and bilateral trade challenges were discussed during Iranian Minister of Industry, Mine and Trade Reza Fatemi Amin's visit to Syria, Abbasi said.
The issue of Iran's investment In Syria and re-export through this country was also discussed during the trip, he said.
Abbasi went on to note that the free trade agreement between the two countries is the major challenge of Iranian companies in Syria.
Abbasi said Iran and Syria have decided to reduce the number of free trade agreement exceptions from 88 items to 40, within the next 10 days.
Referring to the transit of goods via Syria, he says that the two sides were discussed the issue of opening a land route through Iraq to Syria.