In order to determine the volume of work within the Programme on the Development of the United Immovable property Registration System and the Cadastre, a mission of the German Development Bank (KfW) is visiting Baku now. The Bank mission launched its work on December 11 and will continue till December 14, a source in KfW Baku told Trend.
The ,mission is getting acquaintance with the preparatory work for the analogous project worked out by the World Bank (WB), and the volume with the works to be included to the WB project. Components for the German Bank project will be set. WB experts are carrying an appraisal of their project.
KfW expressed its readiness to give a lax credit at the volume в'¬2.5 m. on actions within the program of the united system on registration of immovable property and cadastre, and a grant to the sum of в'¬1 m. aimed at the institutionalization of the organization-beneficiary.
The above-mentioned project requires some $10-15 m., but at the expense of the granted means, the Bank is about to implement only the pilot project that was preliminary expected to cover Baku City and the Absheron Peninsula
The value of the WB project is estimated at about $42 mln., with about $30 mln. out of them falling at the Bank credit.
The process on funding the cadastre in the country might be completed within 5 years. As a result of the implementation of the programme, all objects will be put into a map, and a satellite system will be installed to manage it live (on-line).
Up to date, a digital card indicating 50,000 areas have been installed at the expense of the Japanese grant at $3,2 mln.