
Turkmenistan prepares draft law on use of alternative energy with participation of UN

Oil&Gas Materials 31 July 2010 12:07 (UTC +04:00)

Turkmenistan, Ashgabat, July 31 / Trend H. Hasanov /

Ashgabat will end a workshop on improving the legal and policy framework for energy efficiency in Turkmenistan. It was organized by the United Nations Development Programme with the support from the British Embassy in Turkmenistan focusing on the steps required for strengthening the policy framework for sustainable and rational use of energy and alternative/renewable sources of energy, the UN's press release says.

The workshop marked the establishment of an inter-institutional working group as well as the beginning of consultations among Turkmenistan's key energy sector players to improve energy efficient practices and use of alternative sources of energy on the basis of best international practices, experiences and standards.

It has brought together representatives of the Mejlis, the ministries for oil and gas, energy, nature protection, state concerns Turkmengaz and Turkmennebit, Research Institute "Sun", and other relevant institutions along with international consultants from Austria (PAN PLAN) and the UK.

"It is no secret that one of the key catalysts of climate change is the fuel and energy sector. That is why these days we very often hear calls for energy efficiency or, in other words, the rational use of energy resources. We all realize that this is possible only when relevant laws and policies are in place to regulate and promote energy efficient practices and technologies, and more importantly, inter-ministerial and inter-departmental coordination in the efficient use of energy," said UNDP Resident Representative in Turkmenistan Lenni Montiel in his opening remarks.

In the same vein, the UK Ambassador to Turkmenistan Keith Allan also noted that Turkmenistan can become a model for the region in terms of using alternative sources of energy such as sun and wind on a par with developed European countries such as UK.

