
Georgia to host conference of European and Asian energy regulatory commissions

Oil&Gas Materials 9 February 2011 17:03 (UTC +04:00)
The international conference of European and Asian energy regulatory commissions will be held in Georgia on Feb. 14-15.
Georgia to host conference of European and Asian energy regulatory commissions

Georgia, Tbilisi, Feb. 9 / Trend N. Kirtskhalia /

The international conference of European and Asian energy regulatory commissions will be held in Georgia on Feb. 14-15.

The conference is organized by the Regional Energy Regulation Association. The meeting of legal and tariff committees will be held.

The participants will discuss energy processes, energy efficiency and renewable energy, as well as the role of the Georgian National Energy Regulatory Commission.

Proceeding from the energy strategy of the country, the Georgian National Energy Regulatory commission is trying to promote the use of the potential energy resources of the country, and to improve energy efficiency in industrial and other sectors.

At present, the association has 24 full-time and two associate members and four affiliate members. The association was officially registered in Hungary in April 2001. Its secretariat is located in Budapest.

