Azerbaijan, Baku, June 20 / Trend E.Mehdiyev /
As part of the Chirag oil project, transport infrastructure reconstruction work has been completed, BP's offshore projects manager Ilgar Mammadov told Trend on Wednesday.
He said that, in particular, STB-1 barge has been reconstructed, to which in the fourth quarter a bearing pulley of the platform will be sent to sea for installation and in the second quarter of 2013, the top of the structure, Mammadov said.
The Chirag oil project involves the construction of the new West Chirag platform which will be installed at a depth of 170 metres between the Chirag and Gunashli production platforms.
Outstripping drilling under the project should start in 2012. The Dede Gorgud rig will then perform the drilling with the production from the platform expected to begin from late 2013.
In total, 360 million barrels of oil are expected to be produced under the project until the end of the contract on ACG in 2024.
ACG participating interests are BP with 35.78 per cent, Chevron - 11.27, Inpex - 10.96 per cent, AzACG - 11.65 per cent, Statoil - 8.56 per cent, Exxon - 8 per cent, ТРАО - 6.75 per cent, Itocu - 4.3 per cent and Hess - 2.72 per cent.