Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Mar. 2 / Trend D.Azizov /
In October 2013, Uzbekistan will commission the first stage of production of photovoltaic panels with capacity of 50 MW, according to the presidential decree "On measures to develop alternative sources of energy."
The decree states that an agreement has been reached between the Uzbekenergo State Joint-Stock Company (SJC) and the Chinese company "Suntech Power Co." to establish the joint venture for production of photovoltaic panels of 100 MW on the basis of modern technology in the Navoi free industrial zone (FIEZ) with funding for the development of project documents in equal shares.
According to the document, Uzbekenergo in conjunction with the Ministry of Economy and the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations, Investment and Trade will develop a business plan and necessary construction documents to create a joint venture and submit it for approval to the government until April 1, 2013.
Particular attention should be paid to in-depth analysis of the needs and markets for products manufactured by the enterprise.
The output on a designed capacity is expected for 2015. According to expert estimates, the cost of the project may reach $ 10 million. The project will be implemented at the expense of own funds of Uzbekenergo and through foreign direct investment.