
Azerbaijan invites US companies to participate in tender for construction of Gobustan solar power plant

Green Economy Materials 24 May 2024 12:53 (UTC +04:00)
Lada Yevgrashina
Lada Yevgrashina
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BAKU, Azerbaijan, May 24. American companies have been invited to participate in the auction for the design, financing, construction, and operation of the Gobustan solar power plant with a capacity of 100 MW, Trend reports.

According to the information, this was announced on May 24 during a meeting between the director of the State Agency for Renewable Energy Sources (BOEMDA) under the Ministry of Energy of Azerbaijan, Javid Abdullayev, and representatives of the American delegation.

"The interest in this first open international auction for a renewables facility in Azerbaijan announced in May is very high," Abdullayev emphasized at the meeting with Jill Dawson, a member of the US Senate from Maine, as well as members of the US House of Representatives.

The director of BOEMDA said that green energy facilities to be created within the framework of cooperation with foreign companies will contribute to the global energy transition and the implementation of climate goals in Azerbaijan.

To note, Azerbaijan plans to increase the renewable energy capacity in the total energy balance of the country to 30–33 percent within five years.

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