Azerbaijan, Baku, Feb. 13 / Trend H. Valiyev /
Azerbaijan showed the highest sale volume of Kaspersky Labs products in South Caucasus, the company said.
According to the information, MONT Azerbaijan company showed the highest sale volume of Kaspersky Lab products.
Despite the global changes, 2010 was successful for Kaspersky Lab.
Kaspersky Lab launched a new affiliate program in the region EEMEA (Central Europe, Middle East, Africa, Eastern Europe and Central Asia) in 2010.
It gave positive results. The number of partners with Business, Premier and Enterprise Partner statuses increased by four times and reached 200. The company held more than 50 actions aimed at promoting Kaspersky Lab solutions.
More than 2,000 sales experts and technical staff of the company's partners studied training and certification programs in 2010.
It is three times more than in 2009. The approach, implemented in a new program, is flexible. It takes into account many factors. It provides partners with more opportunities for professional growth and increasing profits.
Kaspersky Labs produces security systems from malware, spam and hacker attacks. This is the largest the company in this sphere in Europe. It is among the four leading manufacturers of software solutions to provide end users with information security.
"Kaspersky Lab" is an international group of companies headquartered in Moscow and five regional headquarters. The activity of territorial offices and partners in Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Middle East and Africa, North and South America, the countries of Asia Pacific region and Japan is managed through these headquarters. The affiliate network covers more than 100 world countries. More than 300 million users worldwide use Kaspersky Lab products and technologies.