Bakcell, the First Mobile Operator and Leading Mobile Internet Provider of Azerbaijan, has supported the “ActInSpace 2018 Azerbaijan” international innovation contest held in Baku for the first time since its creation in 2014, organized and hosted by the French-Azerbaijani University (UFAZ).
The AcInSpace contest, having an international reputation in the area of space programs, will be held globally in 40 countries and 70 cities of the world, with participation of CNES (French Spatial Agency), ESA (European Spatial Agency) and ESA BIC Sud France. The main purpose of this contest, open for participants from all over the world is to influence the development of entrepreneurship and solving the problems in the area of software, database and space infrastructure.
“ActInSpace 2018 Azerbaijan” is organized by the UFAZ with sponsorship and support of the Embassy of France in Azerbaijan, Bakcell, IT STEP Academy and Aikon Constructions. Teams of participants (more than 100 students from different universities of Baku) have come together to work on real-life challenges set by the industries (CNES, ESA, Airbus and others). They had 24 hours to imagine and design innovative services and products that find every day uses for space technologies or data.
During the press-conference, held on May 24 with participation of sponsors and partners of AIS2018 Azerbaijan, Bakcell CEO Nikolai Beckers has mentioned that Bakcell is always ready to support the younger generation in their initiatives as well as everything that concerns education and its development and improvement in Azerbaijan:
“Innovations play a key role in the overall activity of Bakcell. Bakcell was one of the first companies in the country who supported organization of various hackathons and start-up events, along with establishing our own startup incubation center. Our main idea is to educate and inspire local young people and today we are pleased to support yet another such initiative. We would like to thank the French Embassy and UFAZ for considering us as a main local partner for this project. We believe the experience and coaching of our specialists will be helpful for teams during the challenge”.
Startup projects of students were evaluated by experts, and two projects made it to the final stage. By results of evaluation held by the final jury (President of Strasbourg University Michel Deneken, Rector of ASOIU professor Mustafa Babanli, President of CNES Jean-Yves Le Gall, President of Azercosmos, Rashad Nabiyev), the UFAZ Sooners team (5 first year students) became the winner of the competition in Azerbaijan, followed by another UFAZ team - Tensor Science. The winning team of ActInSpace Azerbaijan will proceed to the international final taking place in Toulouse (France) on June 27 (where they will represent Azerbaijan for the first time in this competition) to defend their projects in front of an international jury of experts.
It should be noted that in addition to supporting the ActInSpace Azerbaijan financially, Bakcell has provided technical expertise and coaching support to the contest participants. Thus, experts and team members from the “AppLab” incubation program of Bakcell have shared their insights and advice in such areas as technology and business model to help candidates propose a startup project.
Being the leader in innovation, Bakcell is always ready to support the younger generation, by providing them with a proper guidance and creating conditions for their development and implementation of their bright and innovative ideas.
About Bakcell
Bakcell, the First Mobile Operator and Leading Mobile Internet Provider of Azerbaijan, offers a wide range of products and Services to users of modern mobile communications Services. The company provides its customers with the best-in-class 3G and 4G mobile internet.
With more than 6500 base stations, Bakcell network covers 99% of the population and 93% of the land area of the country (except for the occupied territories).
After proving itself to provide the best 3G mobile internet service in the country, Bakcell has announced the commercial launch of 4G LTE services on 5th of May 2015. 4G ensures a significant increase of mobile internet speed and is especially useful for those users who wish to stay mobile at all times, having an access to high-speed mobile internet at all locations. Currently, in addition to Baku and Absheron peninsula, residents of Ganja, Quba, Qusar, Khachmaz, Shabran and Siyazan regions are able to benefit from the high-speed 4G internet of Bakcell. In the year 2018, Bakcell continues to expand its LTE network to other regions of Azerbaijan. Bakcell became the first mobile operator in the country to launch 4G service in Baku subway. In the year 2017, Bakcell network has been recognized as the “Best in Test” in Azerbaijan by P3 Communications, being the international leader and most trusted independent authority in mobile benchmarking. According to tests, implemented in August 2017, Bakcell has the best score overall network experience in Azerbaijan and the best mobile internet network “in test” in Baku and other big cities.
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