
Azerbaijan working on introduction of AI in public administration system

ICT Materials 18 May 2021 12:07 (UTC +04:00)

BAKU, Azerbaijan, May 18

By Sadraddin Aghjayev - Trend:

The issue of introducing artificial intelligence (AI) into the public administration system is in focus in Azerbaijan, Farid Kazimov, Executive Director of the Azerbaijan Innovation Export Consortium (AZINNEX), told Trend.

According to Kazimov, the topic of artificial intelligence in recent years has been a priority in the field of high technologies.

"There are many examples of this - both successful and unsuccessful. But in general, artificial intelligence is most actively used in business, where the cost of a mistake is not so high," said Kazimov.

The AZZINEX executive director noted that governments are very careful in developing the topic of artificial intelligence.

"In our country, this group of technologies is also a priority. In April, an online conference was held in Azerbaijan on the introduction of artificial intelligence into the public administration system. Such innovations will be applied in Azerbaijan, and this process is irreversible," he said.

“If to talk about the areas where the use of artificial intelligence is most expedient, then we should first of all name education, medicine, finance, transport, certain segments of business administration (HR, legal services, accounting), and trade,” Kazimov noted.

“Now almost every user is in daily contact with artificial intelligence, as many global online services are actively introducing this technology. But I think we should expect a real breakthrough by 2028-2030, when, according to some forecasts, artificial intelligence will be able to approach functional of the human brain", said the expert.


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