
Azerbaijan's Azercosmos discloses revenues from export of satellite services for 10M2023

ICT Materials 2 December 2023 21:08 (UTC +04:00)
Azerbaijan's Azercosmos discloses revenues from export of satellite services for 10M2023
Kamran Gasimov
Kamran Gasimov
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BAKU, Azerbaijan, December 2. Revenues of Azerbaijan's Azercosmos space agency from the provision of satellite and telecommunications services amounted to $16.1 million from January through October 2023, Trend reports.

The data from the Center for Analysis of Economic Reforms and Communications of Azerbaijan showed that Azercosmos' revenues from exporting its services to 42 countries amounted to $1.7 million only in October alone.

Following the data, the company exported satellite and telecommunications services to the UK ($4.7 million), Luxembourg ($3.4 million), the UAE ($1.4 million), Germany ($872,900), and Nigeria ($622,000) during the reporting period.

Azercosmos' revenues from the provision of satellite and telecommunications services amounted to $26.6 million in 2022.

