Turkmenistan, Ashgabat, June 12 / Trend. Trend H. Hasanov /
Astroclimatic conditions of Turkmenistan are the most favorable for astronomical research, the employee of the Astronomical Observatory of Odessa National University Nikolai Dorokhov told the state news service "Turkmen dovlet khabarlary" (TDK).
"Stability and transparency of the atmosphere, balanced illumination, optimal wind conditions are characteristic for the sky of Turkmenistan, which make it possible to conduct high-precision astronomical observations for more than 2,000 hours a year," Dorokhov said.
There is an astronomical observatory on Dushak-Erekdag Mountain, with the equipment which will be able to participate in researches in major international projects. Studies were carried out in these observatories, the results of which were presented at symposiums in Austria, Italy, India, Russia, the Czech Republic and other countries.
Currently on Dushak-Erekdag mountain there is a possibility to launch in short time two small telescopes of original design after carrying out small-scale upgrading.
"The observatory's orientation to the south is very advantageous because it gives the opportunity to observe the sky both from southern and northern hemispheres, making the observatory unique," the Russian scientist said.
According to him, Turkmenistan has all opportunities for the establishment of fruitful cooperation with the International Scientific Optical Network (ISON) and the Initiative for Basic Space Science (BSSI) of the Office for Outer Space Affairs of the United Nations (UNOOSA).
"Participation of Turkmen scientists in international research projects on solar system researches, as well as on the international program to identify of comets and asteroids, dangerously approaching the Earth, is very important for all of humanity," Dorokhov said.
Carrying out observations within the program of detection and tracking of space debris fragments, which threaten the space vehicles, is also important for the world of science.
This program was approved by the UN, the active partner of which is Turkmenistan.
As is known, Turkmenistan plans to launch its own satellite into orbit, which will accelerate the development of communication systems, the Internet and television, as well as will help to solve large-scale problems of economic nature.
With the help of space researches it will be possible to carry out the search of minerals more effectively, as well as search for reservoirs rich with oil and gas, conduct the monitoring of agricultural areas and so on.
Launching of the first national satellite of Turkmenistan is scheduled for the end of 2014. At present according to the contract signed with the Turkmen government, the development and construction of the spacecraft is being carried out by the French company Thales Alenia Space, which won the tender.