
Politician: Iran Gov’t, Parliament likely to improve relations

Iran Materials 5 May 2012 16:59 (UTC +04:00)

Azerbaijan, Baku, May 05/ Trend, D.Khatinoglu/

The result of Iran's parliamentary elections and the composition of members show that the relations and cooperation between Iranian parliament and the government will improve, the member of the Central Council of the "United Front of Conservatives" Dr.Hasah Lasjerdi told Trend on Saturday.

Iran's new parliament has been formed at 91 percent after the results of the second round of the parliamentary elections.

There are a total of 290 people in Iran's parliament, and 225 of them have been already elected in the first round of parliamentary elections which took place in March.

In the second round of elections so far 40 people have been elected, making a total of 265 candidates (91 percent) to enter Iran's new parliament.

According to the results, majority of seats in the parliament was gained by the coalition "United Front of Conservatives", representing the camp of supporters of Iranian supreme ruler Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

Lasjerdi said that the variousness in specialties, belonging to the varied sorts of society and political groups and class succeed to appear in the Parliament, especially the number of female MPs increased.

"The second positive point is that despite the last elections that people had voted according to the parties' candidate lists," he said. "This time the candidates gathered votes directly via peoples' acquaintance with them, especially in regions, namely the voting had not been conducted according to sectarian and party organization," he said.

Upcoming parliaments' probable challenges

The first meeting of the Iranian parliament is planned to be held on May 27.

Despite the approaching deadline of the current parliament, Iran's common annual budget hasn't been ratified yet, while it passed 46 days from Iranian new solar year because of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's government's delayed submission of the budget bill to the parliament and existing difference of views between parliament and government to approve some subjects written in the bill such as launching the second phase of subsidy reform plan.

Lasjerdi said that forming fractions, commissions and electing the Speaker is the early and short time agenda for members and the second issue is the ratification of the annual common budget.

The existence of global economic crisis, the revolutions occurred in Arab regions and the sanctions imposed on Iran will be the parliament's major politic priorities as well, because Iran has faced to choose and take the suitable policy towards the regional continuous changes.

Iran's next presidential elections will be carried out in 2013. MPs' another task will be the preparation for the upcoming elections.

Lasjerdi said that existence of Ahmadinejad government's supporting members or those having critical positions against the government apparently show that the next parliament will more cooperate with government, then I think the relations between the parliament and government would become better.

