Baku, Azerbaijan, May 21
Iran’s electricity industry witnessed a 30 percent equipment exports in the last fiscal year, ended March 20, Arsalan Fathipour, a member of Iran Electricity Industry Syndicate, said.
Fathipur, who is managing director of Iran Transfo Corporation, said that over $120 million worth of transformers were exported to Iraq and Afghanistan in the 12-month period, IRIB news agency reported.
The country plans to export $150 million worth of various transformers to foreign countries during the current fiscal year, Fathipur said.
He added that Syria, Armenia, Belarus and Kyrgyzstan are among potential regional markets where the device will be sold in the near future.
A transformer acts as a link between generators and distribution grid, stepping up the low output voltage from the generator to higher distribution voltage level.
Fathipur further said that Iran manufactured 23,000 transformers(with a capacity of 23,000 meqawatts) in the last fiscal year, adding that the output is expected to reach 33,000 during the current fiscal year.
Iran’s annual transformer demand is equal to 24,000 megavolt-ampere of transformer capacity, he said, adding that the country had to annually spend $500 million on importing transformers in the past before reaching self-sufficiency in this sector.
Established in 1967 under the license of Germany's Siemens, Iran Transfo Corporation is the top manufacturer of oil-immersed distribution and power transformers. It comprises 13 companies that closely collaborate with more than 100 domestic and foreign subcontractors for manufacturing all kinds of substations, insulation materials, ceramic insulators and accessories such as radiators.