
Over 100 countries support Iran's peaceful nuclear activities

Nuclear Program Materials 6 June 2012 10:23 (UTC +04:00)

Iran issue was in the agenda of a meeting of Board of Governors of International Atomic Energy Agency ( IAEA) on Tuesday afternoon in which group of Non-Aligned Movement states supported Iran's peaceful nuclear activities, IRNA reported.

Egypt envoy in IAEA and Head of NAM group in the agency Khalid Masha' read statement of the movement, on behalf of more than 100 member countries, in seasonal session of Board of Governors of the agency.

In the statement, NAM appreciated the agency Director General Yukiya Amano concerning his report about execution of safeguard agreement in Islamic Republic of Iran content of document no. /GOV 23/2012.

NAM underlined on basic and undeniable right of all countries to development, research, production and use of nuclear energy for peaceful goals without any kind of discrimination and upon legal obligations.

In the statement, the movement reconfirmed immunity of peaceful nuclear activities and underlined that any kind of attack or threat to attack against peaceful nuclear installations is violation of international law and the agency regulation and is condemned.

Head of NAM group in IAEA added that Iran upon its safeguard agreement has 16 nuclear sites and 9 LOFs, which had been declared to the agency and the agency is verifying the issue.

Edited by: S. Isayev

