
Expert: Iran-IAEA talks can negatively affect "5+1" Moscow meeting

Nuclear Program Materials 8 June 2012 09:00 (UTC +04:00)

Azerbaijan, Baku, June 7 /Trend S.Isayev/

The talks between Iran and IAEA can negatively impact the "Iran-Six powers" talks in Moscow later in June, professor at the University of Glasgow and expert on nuclear issues Reza Taghizadeh told Trend.

Iran and International Atomic Energy Agency will hold new round of nuclear negotioations on June 8, IRNA quoted IAEA Secretary General Yukia Amano as saying.

Iran and IAEA held nuclear talks in mid-May, then Amano traveled to Tehran to talk more about Iran's disputed nuclear program with Iranian officials on 21 May.

Iran's representative to IAEA, Ali Ashgar Soltanieh stated at the IAEA Board of Governors Meeting that Iran will not give up its uranium enrichment.

"Iran is not ready to give up its right for enrichment," Taghizadeh said. "If Iran does agree to ship out kilograms of enriched uranium and close down the Fordo nuclear site, the "5+1" group would be happy to continue negotiations."

Taghizadeh added that IAEA wants to visit Iran without any restrictions and inspect nuclear sites.

"IAEA wants Iran to allow them to inspect Parchin," Taghizadeh said. "IAEA would want to know if there are any undeclared sites in Iran, and they would also want see the scientists that were involved in these experiments, and also to see the related documents."

"Iran is not happy to co-operate on any of these grounds, which might be the reason why Iran is not willing to go to Vienna for talks," Taghizadeh said.

During his speech at the IAEA Board of Governors Meeting, Iran's envoy Soltanieh said Iran is seriously concerned about the leakage of confidential information about its nuclear program by the IAEA inspectors.

"The talks that Iran is going to conduct tomorrow are just as important as any other negotiations between Iran and IAEA," Taghizadeh said. "However due to the fact that the IAEA Board of Governors Meeting was excessively heated up, it might negatively affect the Moscow talks."

Iran is scheduled to hold nuclear negotiations with the "5+1" group on June 18 in Moscow.

The Islamic Republic has persistently denied its nuclear programme is for anything but civilian purposes, but some Western powers suspect Iran is trying to cover up nuclear tests there.

The developments come amid mounting impatience from nations including the United States and Israel over Iran's perceived stalling to allow full inspections and oversight of its nuclear programme.

