
Iran defends its nuclear program to be peaceful and beneficial

Nuclear Program Materials 3 October 2023 11:43 (UTC +04:00)
Elnur Baghishov
Elnur Baghishov
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BAKU, Azerbaijan, October 3. Iran uses its nuclear technology to produce various kinds of industrial supplies that are used in different sectors, such as oil, gas, petrochemical, and food production, Vice President of Iran and Chief of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI), Mohammad Eslami, Trend reports.

Eslami noted that Iran had to rely on its own specialists to produce these supplies, because the sanctions imposed on Iran prevented their import.

The vice president added that Iran was advancing its nuclear technology in both energy and non-energy fields. He stressed the importance of building nuclear power plants for clean energy production, as climate change had made fossil fuels unsustainable.

According to him, Iran had a nuclear power plant that could generate 1,000 megawatt hours of electricity, and that it had saved 90 million barrels of crude oil and avoided 58 million cubic meters of greenhouse gas emissions by operating this plant.

Meanwhile, in the non-energy field, Eslami said that Iran had produced 60 types of radioisotopes, some of which were exported. AEOI Chief also said that these radioisotopes were used by 1 million patients in Iran for medical purposes.

"However, if Iran did not operate in the nuclear industry sector, if it did not enrich uranium, it would not be able to produce radioisotopes now," he noted.

Iran discloses various programs related to its nuclear industry to reflect that its nuclear program is for peaceful purposes. However, according to the information obtained by the International Atomic Energy Agency, Iran has increased the amount of highly enriched uranium by 27 percent in the last three months, and currently, the country's enriched uranium reserves are 4,745 kilograms. This is 15 times more than the amount of uranium allowed for Iran in the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).

On January 16, 2016, Iran's nuclear program triggered the creation of the JCPOA between Iran and the P5+1 group (US, Russia, China, UK, France, and Germany).

However, on May 8, 2018, the US announced its withdrawal from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) between Iran and the 5+1 group (Russia, China, the UK, France, the US, and Germany) and imposed new sanctions against Iran as of November 2018.

The sanctions affected Iranian oil exports and more than 700 banks, companies, and individuals. The sanctions have resulted in the freezing of Iranian assets abroad.


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