
EU calls Iran's nuclear talks constructive

Politics Materials 6 March 2015 12:08 (UTC +04:00)

Baku, Azerbaijan, Mar. 6

By Khalid Kazimov - Trend:

EU says the latest round of nuclear talks held between Iran and P5+1 members was constructive.

European Union's official website released a report Mar.5, saying that the E3/EU+3 (P5+1, including The U.S., the UK, France, Russia, China plus Germany) Political Directors and Iran met on Mar.5 in Montreux for a one-day meeting in continuation of their ongoing diplomatic efforts to find a comprehensive solution to the Iranian nuclear issue.

"The meeting was preceded by various bilateral meetings of members of the E3/EU+3 with Iran, with the participation of EU Political Director Helga Schmid, from 2nd to 4th March".

The report says that "the meetings were constructive and useful. Some progress was made and a better understanding on some of the issues emerged".

"E3/EU+3 and Iran will continue to work on the remaining gaps and will meet again very soon", EU External Action Service said.

