Baku, Azerbaijan, March 13
By Azer Ahmadbayli – Trend:
Yesterday the US Ambassador to Azerbaijan Robert Сekuta was summoned to the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry, where he was given a note of protest addressed to the US State Department due to the visit of the so-called president of Nagorno-Karabakh Bako Sahakyan to the US and his participation in the event held in the US Congress administrative building to promote the separatist regime.
Also, Sahakyan is going to collect funds in the US to support the occupation of Azerbaijani lands.
Every day, 18-year-old Armenian boys die on the line of contact, while their mothers in Armenia are told their sons died from careless handling of weapons. The Armenian authorities are afraid of the new rallies of mothers calling for an end to this 30-year massacre.
After the four-day April clashes of 2016, it became clear to many that there was a psychological turning point in this conflict. Armenians looked demoralized and frightened. All interviews with their military and politicians that they were able to successfully confront the enemy, were unconvincing, as they lost part of their controlled territory, as well as suffered serious losses in manpower and equipment.
But Armenians have a powerful weapon – the Armenian Diaspora, which appeared in Europe and America more than a hundred years ago. Diaspora is an iceberg, only the tip of which is visible represented by Charles Aznavour and Kim Kardashian, while the rest is hidden from prying eyes, and the American congressmen better not face that "rest". Freemasons or Illuminati are just little boys compared to Armenian Spyurk. Don't believe me? Ask CIA.
The diaspora has enough funds to bribe some congressmen or media. But today, it is all it can do. I would like to remind its leaders that the main events will not take place in the US Congress or headlines of bribed newspapers, but in the trenches in Nagorno-Karabakh.
The conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan over Nagorno-Karabakh has been going on for almost 30 years. United States, together with the rest of the Minsk Group co-chairs, allegedly have been making great efforts to, as they say, bring peace and prosperity to the region of South Caucasus. But as an old sailor once said: “now I understand that for thirty years I have been ploughing the waves of soup”.
In order not to wait another thirty years and instead of welcoming marginal figures from non-existing states within the precincts of Congress, Washington could make a step that doesn’t require a difficult choice – simply call on Armenia to follow the international law, namely, to adhere to four well-known UN resolutions to withdraw Armenian military troops from the occupied territories of the Azerbaijan Republic.
In the end, despite its trade with loyalty and its tremendous efforts and huge sums of money invested to create the project of "great Armenia", Armenian card will be surely off the table. However, there is still time to make necessary adjustments.