Kyrgyzstan announces nationwide crude oil output for 11M2024
IEA updates forecast on US liquids output for 2024
OPEC shares data on US crude trade in Dec. 2023
Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline records uptick in crude exports since year-start
US crude oil exports reach all-time high in 6M2023
Azerbaijan reveals data on its crude oil production for April
Brent crude oil price falls below $77 per barrel
EIA downgrades forecast for OPEC crude output in 2023, following cut announcement
Demand for OPEC crude expected to increase in 2023 - forecast
Recent rise in US crude production won’t last long
U.S. crude climbs after White House comments on Saudi-Russia dispute
Oil prices slip as demand concerns outweigh efforts to curb supply
Oil rises on declining U.S. crude stocks, but trade war worries linger
OPEC crude output up by 393,000 b/d
Asian imports of Iran crude fall below 1 million bpd to one-year low