Three prisoners were arrested after they escaped prison among a larger group in the southern Aden province, a source at the interior ministry said Tuesday dpa reported
But he denied that the group was affiliated to al-Qaeda.
A committee will investigate how around 15 prisoners managed to escape the al-Mansour prison, the state-run news agency SABA quoted the source as saying.
On Monday, the opposition paper al-Sahwah said that nine of the escaped prisoners belonged to al-Qaeda.
The opposition have accused loyalists to outgoing President Ali Abdullah Saleh of using al-Qaeda as a means to create political chaos in Yemen.
Although Saleh agreed last month to step down from power and signed a transfer deal, violence and protests continue to disrupt the impoverished Arab Peninsula.
At least 6 people, including three soldiers, were injured Monday during confrontations at the prison in the southern Baida province when an ambulance attempted to illegally evacuate prisoners.
Two other prisoners were injured Monday in the prison of Dhamar city when guards tried to break up a sit-in that began inside the prison yard on Friday to show solidarity with one of their inmates, who is still in jail although his term ended eight months ago.