Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's activities while U.S. first lady will be made public on Wednesday, the National Archives said on Tuesday, in response to legal pressure by a watchdog group. ( Reuters )
The records, some 11,000 pages in all, document nearly all of the meetings, trips, speaking engagements and social activities Clinton engaged in while her husband, Bill Clinton, served as president between 1993 and 2001, the National Archives said.
The records are being released in response to a lawsuit by Judicial Watch, a conservative legal watchdog group.
As first lady, Clinton led a failed effort to overhaul the nation's health-care system and traveled to 80 countries.
On the campaign trail, Clinton argues that her time in the White House gave her the experience needed to lead the country at a time of war and economic uncertainty.
Clinton, who would be the first female president, is locked in a tight battle with Barack Obama to be the Democrat who will take on Republican John McCain in the November presidential election.
Obama, an Illinois senator who would be the first black president, has questioned the depth of Clinton's involvement in issues like bringing peace to Northern Ireland.
For months, Obama has challenged Clinton to release her White House records, tax returns and other material.
The records, which are kept at the Clinton presidential library in Little Rock, Arkansas, will be released on Wednesday.
Judicial Watch is continuing lawsuits to make public Clinton's activities as head of the health-care task force.