France, Strasburg, 27 June / Trend corr A. Maharramli/ The White Book on cross-cultural dialogue of the Council of Europe was presented at press conference on 26 June, in which chairman of the Parliamentary Assembly Luis Maria de Puig, Secretary General of PACE Terry Davis, Ambassador Eleonora Petrova-Mitevskaya and CE coordinator on cross-cultural dialogue Gabriella Battaini participated.
According to Battaini, the decision to maintain cross-cultural dialogue was made at the third meeting of the heads of States and Governments of the Council of Europe in Warsaw in May 2005. According to White Book principle, European Centre for Democratic Citizenship and Cross-cultural Education will be opened in Oslo.
"Cultural diversity is inherent in all communities. The White Book notes the role of media, as well as the arrangements to be held in human rights field. The book will be translated into many languages to be distributed," she said.
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