President Vladimir Voronin has signed a decree to promulgate the law on checking public servants and candidates for public offices. The law aims at preventing and combating negative phenomena among public authorities, which discredit the public post, and damage the national security, according to the presidential press service, MOLDPRES reported.
The head of state decreed the promulgation of the law No 271-XVI from 18 December 2008 on checking public servants and candidates for public offices in line with Article 93, paragraph 1 of the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova.
The law was elaborated by the Security and Information Service (SIS) to fulfill the item 1.7 of an action plan for carrying out the 2007-2009 national strategy for preventing and combating corruption, as well as the implementation of the law on Moldova's Security and Information Service. Under this law, the SIS is obliged, following a request by the public authorities' leaders, to check and provide data about people due to be involved in the public authorities.
The law establishes the principles, goals, circle of people who are to be subject to verification, the procedure, forms and ways of checking information about Moldovan citizens who hold or run for public offices, which may damage the national security interests if they are not exercised in accordance with the law.
The law sees the compulsory character of the control which is to be made only with written consent of the public servants and candidates for public offices.