The death toll in the blast, which occurred Thursday night in the industrial heartland of the Turkish capital of Ankara, Ostim, reached nine, told journalists the head of the local Chamber of Commerce Sinan Aygun.
"There are injured, their number is being specified, about 15 people" - he added, saying also that inside the building, at which explosion occured, were 20-25 people.
Eight of them with injuries were evacuated and taken to the hospital, told reporters the governor of Ankara Aladdin Yuksel after his arrival at the emergency site.
According to Turkish television channels reporting from the emergency area, a tanker truck, carrying gas, exploded near the building of a company producing paints.
The explosion produced a large fire that engulfed the building, adjacent structures and cars parked nearby. More than 15 vehicles burned in a few minutes, reported CNN-Turk TV channel.
The whole street, where there was an emergency, covered with fire and shrouded in acrid smoke from burning paint and varnish products.
Fire-fighters arriving at the site trying to put the fire out, report Turkish TV channels.
Emergency site is blocked by police. Only ambulances are allowed in"
On Thursday morning in the same area of Ankara another powerful explosion occurred in a "Mega Center" company's building producting generators, in which seven people were killed and 34 injured. The explosion almost completely destroyed four-storey building.
According to investigators, the cause of the first explosion could be the wrong handling of the gas and oxygen cylinders by workers. The investigation is continuing, according to RIA Novosti.