
Only small technical staff of Turkey remains in Afghanistan - Erdogan

Türkiye Materials 27 August 2021 23:28 (UTC +04:00)

BAKU, Azerbaijan, Aug. 27


Only a small technical staff of Turkey remains in Afghanistan, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said at a joint press conference with Chairman of the Presidium of Bosnia and Herzegovina Zeljko Komšić on Friday in Sarajevo, Trend reports.

Commenting on the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan, Erdogan noted that attempts to leave countries face to face with terrorist organizations are fraught with dire consequences.

The Turkish leader gave an example of a bloody terrorist attack in the area of the Kabul international airport. The Turkish President noted that according to the latest data, the number of victims of the explosions in the Afghan capital has reached 170.

Erdogan drew attention to the evacuation of Turkish citizens from Afghanistan.

"We have evacuated all Turkish civilians. Currently, only a small number of technical staff remain in Afghanistan. All others returned".

