
Turkish Tekirdag municipality opens tender on construction services

Türkiye 14 January 2022 11:38 (UTC +04:00)

BAKU, Azerbaijan, Jan. 14


The municipality of Turkey’s Tekirdag province has announced an open tender for construction of a holiday cottage.

Both local and foreign companies can participate in the tender.

The tender participation fee is 3,500 Turkish liras ($260).

The tender will be held at 10:00 (GMT +3) on Jan. 24, 2022.

All those willing to participate in the tender should send their requests and proposals to: Karadeniz Mahallesi Trabzon Caddesi No23/3 Suleymanpasa/Tekirdag.

Additional Information:

Phone: (+90 282) 259 59 59;

Fax: (+90 282) 262 07 51

(1 USD = 13.5 TL on Jan. 14)

